I was very moved by this story. From the time my son was a pre-schooler, I have always pointed out the sky when it is beautiful, the color of the light on the snow, or the changing colors of the water. I am sure he will remember his mom always haranguing him to "look at that" ... but it has made him keenly aware of natural beauty and I hope it gives as much comfort as it does for me at times.

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You are an amazingly writer, not afraid to write your emotions. Very touching.

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Oh, I was afraid!

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Kirsi Dahl

Thank you. I needed that wonderful collection of words and memories you put together to share. It certainly captured the moment.

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Thank YOU for taking the time to let me know. It means so much.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Kirsi Dahl

Very touching, have you thought about writing a novel?? Love the photo giving hope and you probably know by now - how lovable you really are!

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Gayle, awww, thanks! :) I can’t wait to talk more with you in our writing group!

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I dabble in the interpretation of old photos. Who is in them? When was it taken? What is the significance? But there is a limit to that kind of forensic endeavor. I would never have gotten all of that from your photo.

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Right?! Context is everything. I’m going to print this story, fold it up and place it behind the photo in the frame so that someday in the future if it passes down to one of my children or grandchildren, they will know that there was a much deeper meaning to the photo.

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Many years ago (decades) I talked my grandmother into writing information on the back of her old photos. One of the best things I ever did. Although, I later discovered that she left out a few embarrassing details! PS Your writing is beautiful and heartfelt.

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Kirsi Dahl

Love this. Great word choices. You paint a clear picture of your emotions.

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Thank you for making me feel comfortable with posting it. 💕

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Bravo, Krisi, for both your bravery in sharing this and in capturing a universal about photographs. Photos have the potential to capture magical moments. So often it’s the context or the story that makes them important. It’s a lesson we should all keep with us as we look back at the photos left behind by the ancestors who came before us. Why was this photo treasured? Why so many copies? Ask the questions and listen to learn the universal wisdom.

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Excellent advice!

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